Eliminate the Noisy Neighbor Problem in Docker using Resource Limits

How to Cite

Pallavi Priya Patharlagadda, “Eliminate the Noisy Neighbor Problem in Docker using Resource Limits”, N. American. J. of Engg. Research, vol. 3, no. 1, Feb. 2022, Accessed: Sep. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://najer.org/najer/article/view/30


Container technologies are highly popular these days. It is evident that a wide range of applications are operating in containers. Its increased computing usage due to resource sharing and/or isolation is one of the main causes for its widespread adoption. Sharing resources is important, but a careless setup can result in a noisy neighbor scenario. A noisy neighbor scenario in
computing is when a process or collection of processes uses up too many resources on a host. This condition has an adverse effect on other processes that are operating on the same host. In the end, the host's low resources cause it to become less responsive, which lowers the performance of the entire system. This paper will go over how to reduce the noisy neighbor issue
in Docker by setting memory and CPU restrictions.

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