Editorial Team

Editor in Chief

Professor Sam Okoroafor
Professor of Marketing and International Business, University of Toledo, USA

Associate Editors

Professor Fabrizio Rossi
Adjunct Professor of Economics and Business Organisation, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy

Processor Taylor M. Matt
Department of Biological Science, University of Macquqrie , Sydney, Australia

Professor Nathan N. Elekwa
Professor of Public Administration and Local Government, University of Nigeria, Nsuka, Nigeria

Professor Make Smart
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, University of Augsburg, Germany

Professor Matthew Peters
Department of computer Science, University of Western Sydney, Australia

Professor Aldrin W. Wanambisi
Department of Mathematics, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kakamega, Kenya

Dr. Mohamed Khaled Amr ELDaly
Department of Accounting and Finance, Anglia Ruskin University, UK

Dr. Jema Haji
Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences School of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Italy


Editorial Board

Dr. Markus Omagh : Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Augsburg, Germany

Professor Benjamin C. Osisioma : Professor of Accounting, Accountancy Department, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria

Dr Taylor M. Matt : Department of Biological Science, University of Macquqrie , Sydney, Australia

Dr. Okeleke Nzeogwu : Department of Management, University of Southern Nevada’s, USA

Nigeria Dr. Michael Busler : Associate Professor of Finance, Finance Program Coordinator, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey,USA

Dr. Matthew Peters : Department of computer Science, University of Western Sydney, Australia

Dr. Markus Haag : Department of Management and Business Systems, University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

Professor Kate E. Nnabuife : Department of Business Administration, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria

Dr. Chamber Peters: Psychology Department, University of Adelaide, Australia

Dr. Davis Barasa : International Tourism Management, University of Middlesex, UK

Dr. Anastasia G. Maggina : Accounting, Finance, and Managerial Economics University of Crete, Greece

Dr. Meysam Poorkavoos : Business and Management Research Institute, University of Bedfordshire, UK

Dr. Austine O. Enofe : Department of Accounting, University of Benin, Nigeria

Aldrin W. Wanambisi : Dept of Mathematics, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kakamega, Kenya

Dr. Nasser Fegh-hi Farahmand:  Department of Industrial Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

Dr. Michael Busler : Associate Professor of Finance, Richard Stockton College University, USA

Professor Franklin S. John : Principal, Nehru College of Management, Coimbatore, India

Dr. Naveed Iqbal : Department of Accounting and Finance, Anglia Ruskin University, UK

Dr. Qian Zhang : Department of Language and Communication, University of Bedfordshire,UK

Dr. Jema Haji :   Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences School of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Italy