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Exciting Announcement: Launch of Volume 1, Issue 1 - North American Journal of Engineering Research (NAJER)

January 19, 2024

We are thrilled to announce the highly anticipated launch of Volume 1, Issue 1 of the North American Journal of Engineering Research (NAJER). It is with great pleasure that we present this inaugural issue, marking the beginning of a journey dedicated to the dissemination of cutting-edge engineering research.

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Call for Reviewers: North American Journal of Engineering Research (NAJER)

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The North American Journal of Engineering Research (NAJER) is seeking experienced and dedicated individuals to join our esteemed panel of reviewers. As a leading platform for disseminating high-quality engineering research, NAJER relies on the expertise and commitment of our reviewers to uphold the standard of excellence in the publications we deliver.

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Call for Submissions - Inaugural Edition - NAJER Vol. 1, Issue 1

January 19, 2024

We are thrilled to announce the Call for Submissions for the inaugural edition of the North American Journal of Engineering Research (NAJER). As a peer-reviewed, open-source journal, NAJER is dedicated to empowering early-stage researchers and beginner-level writers on their academic journey. This inaugural issue marks a significant milestone in our pursuit of knowledge advancement and nurturing talent across diverse disciplines.

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